Friday, November 6, 2009

Good News Friday!

Those of you who are familiar with this blog know I have talked about some of the serious challenges facing the DD system in Colorado.

I think it is important to also acknowledge that despite extremely difficult times, with economic troubles and system changes colliding to create a perfect storm of issues, there are many people working at many levels to ensure that Colorado citizens with developmental disabilities are able to contribute to this great state of ours.

Today I want to take this opportunity to bring to your attention to two of those people. The efforts that Governor Bill Ritter and his Director of the Office of State Planning and Budgeting, Todd Saliman, have made to protect the services for people with developmental disabilities have been monumental. Over the past year, the State budget has needed cuts of $1.8 billion, then in August an additional $318 million, and then September revealed and additional $589 million shortfall. During this time, the Governor repeatedly expressed his desire to continue services to the more vulnerable citizens of Colorado. I believe he has been true to that promise.

During the most recent cut of more than $280 million to the State budget, our services were again kept intact. I have personally spoken with Todd and thanked the Governor and him for this effort. We know that there will be more difficult times coming next fiscal year, and it will be unlikely that our services will go unscathed. In the difficult financial situation in Colorado, we understand that everyone and every program of services will be part of the solution.

Thank you, Governor Ritter and Todd!


  1. Thanks Mark for the post. I wrote Todd a card last night. I have been thinking how impossible it would be to do his job in this climate.

    Todd is such a good guy. We are lucky to have him looking out for us.

  2. Here is Todd's address in case anyone wants to drop him a line.

    111 State Capitol
    Denver, CO 80203

  3. Thanks Mark. I spoke with Jeannie Ritter recently and she is definitely on board with finding solutions and resolve to our state budget crisis and forthcoming constraints affecting the populations we serve. Best, Peter
