Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Technology Tuesday

The Coleman Institute's 18th Annual Conference on Cognitive Disability and Technology, “Advancing Accessibility for All” will be held October 3, 2018 at the Omni Interlocken Hotel in Broomfield, CO – and representatives from Imagine! will be there to present on Imaginect

Jennifer Sheehy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and John L. Martin, the Director of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities will serve as this year’s Coleman Conference keynote speakers.

In addition, a variety of both local and national speakers addressing issues related to people with cognitive disabilities and their access to technology will present their work and research, including Imagine! CEO Mark Emery and PR Director Fred Hobbs, who will be presenting on Imaginect.

What’s Imaginect (pronounced imagine – eckt)? We’re glad you asked. 

Imagine!’s service delivery is very labor intensive. The unemployment rate in Boulder County is at historically low levels, making finding qualified workers challenging. In addition, many in our growing elderly population desire personal supports that are similar to the personal supports for those with I/DD. This means that for the foreseeable future Imagine! will be facing increased competition for services coupled with a shrinking workforce available to provide those services.

In short – we’re short workers and need to find more.

To address this critical need, we have reimagined how (and who) we recruit to fill these positions by developing an app called “Imaginect,” which takes an Uber style approach to employee recruiting, engaging a team of on-demand employees pulled from typically underutilized labor pools such as college students or retirees.

In addition to our Imaginect presentation, attendees at the conference will be informed about “The Rights of People with Cognitive Disabilities to Technology and Information Access,” a statement of principles informally known as “The Declaration,” and currently endorsed by over 250 leading disability organizations across the nation will be presented and attendees will have an opportunity to join this national movement that works to ensure full inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities in our technology driven world.

This conference is the only venue of its kind sharing contemporary knowledge of promising practices in cognitive disability and technology innovations and cultivating relationships between public and private entities.

Click here for more details or to register

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