Transportation is so vital to Imagine!. If we want to provide the individuals we serve opportunities to participate in and contribute to our community, we need to be sure they can travel throughout the community.
Today, I’d like to share three stories of support that have increased our ability to keep local citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities on the move in Boulder and Broomfield counties.
The van pictured above was made possible by a grant from the Don and Lorraine Freeberg Foundation for Imagine!’s Out & About department. Thanks to this generous grant, Imagine!’s Out & About program will increase of transportation options and safety by adding a vehicle to support community based activities. Thanks to this addition to our fleet, we will increase the opportunities for children with disabilities to more fully engage in their communities from a very early age into adulthood.
The RAV4 pictured above, for Out & About children’s program, was made possible by the tremendous generosity of guests attending the 2018 Imagine! Celebration. Guests raised their paddles to support Imagine!’s Out & About children’s therapeutic recreation program, bringing in $175,000 in support. This vehicle is just one of the many ways donors gifts are impacting the lives of those we serve.
And finally, I’d like to thank the volunteers from the Empowerment Center of East County who braved freezing temps and snow showers last Saturday with smiles as they cleaned Imagine!’s Out & About department vehicle fleet.
The event was planned in conjunction with Global Youth Service Day.
Wish List Wednesday
5 years ago