Friday, June 14, 2013

Good News Friday!

The following post first appeared on the Imagine! Voices blog last week. It was so cool I thought I'd share with you all today. Enjoy.

This is a photo album of pictures taken at John’s softball game last Tuesday evening. John is in a Unified Softball League through the City of Boulder's Parks and Recreation EXPAND program in which teams are comprised of people with and without developmental disabilities.

John is a resident at Imagine!'s Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome and had invited the photographer to the game in an audio email last week. Residents at that SmartHome have access to an email program that allows people with limited writing and/or typing skills to send audio emails to their friends and family.

John getting a hit.

John throws the ball to his coach Jill, who works for Imagine!'s
Innovations department and is a volunteer for the
EXPAND program's Unified Softball League.

John plays third base while opposing player Lou Ella, who works
in Imagine!'s Innovations department and is a volunteer for the
EXPAND program's Unified Softball League, stands on base.

John uses perfect form getting his glove down to field this ball.
John's coach Jill, behind him, had just been instructing John to put his glove all the way to the ground on ground balls and John shows he knows how to play shortstop.
John and his coach Jill are pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.


  1. This is such a cool article! Happy summer!

  2. Great picture, what fun!!
