Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Conflict Free Case Management Unintended Consequences – Employment and Cost Issues

My two favorite cartoon characters are still discussing Conflict Free Case Management in Colorado, its implications, and its unintended consequences.

Today, they discuss some of the costs that may not be immediately apparent.

Can’t see the video? Click here.


  1. Yes, please do talk more about what is meant by choice in case management. For instance, wouldn't it make sense to have specialized case management for those individuals who have very complex medical needs in addition to id/dd? Sara

  2. Sara, I am not really sure where these two characters will take the choice conversation, however I do know that we have specialized case management with the Children's Extensive Support Waiver which we know serves children with complex needs. The model is there for the other waivers. I am anxious to see what conversation will be.
