Friday, May 3, 2013

Good News Friday!

Five years ago, Imagine! broke ground on its very first SmartHome, the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder. This home became the first home in the nation to use technology in a comprehensive way to improve the efficiency and quality of services in the field of developmental disabilities. Not long after, we broke ground on a second SmartHome, the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont.

Just to bring you up to date, during the five years since the first SmartHome opened, we have:
It has been an interesting five years. We have learned a great deal. And yes, we’ve made some mistakes and some things haven’t worked as well as we’d hoped. But that is what happens when you take the lead on something. There’s no roadmap to follow, so you need to blaze the trail yourself.

I am so proud of what we have done so far with our SmartHomes, but we have only just begun. We plan to continue to innovate, test, and share the beneficial impacts of technology in the lives of individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.

I hope you will join us as we move forward!

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